Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
On the fram website there is a filter finder tool that you can out in the size that you need and it will spit out a part number.
Posted on: 2012/4/15 20:19
1954 Clipper Super Touring Sedan -5462
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Forum Ambassador
Make the switch to a paper element for the sake of convenience if you wish, but not because it's a better filter than a properly-maintained oil bath air filter. They are VERY effective air cleaners but do require maintenance periodically, just as the paper element requires replacement periodically. Where there is no significant benefit to be gained, I'd stay with the original were it my car.
Posted on: 2012/4/15 21:34
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
G'day all, I would agree with O'D on the "stick with the original properly maintained oil bath if you can". I find that the paper filters are no better in filtration and are noisier in operation, particularly when you give the throttle a mashing at the lights. Best Regards Peter Toet
Posted on: 2012/4/16 3:15
I like people, Packards and old motorbikes
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
Not sure what the difference is in filters between models, but my '53 doesn't gave an oil bath. It just has the oiled mesh kind with the muffler under it. I run a paper filter in my car 'cuz it seems better than potentially sucking in what looks like shavings collected from the lathe...No doudt, though, that oil baths are the way to go if that is indeed what you have.
Posted on: 2012/4/18 2:48
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Forum Ambassador
Senior models had oil bath, juniors had oiled mesh. What you see as loose lathe turnings is a woven copper or copperized mesh, not unlike the "Chore Boy" kitchen scrubbing pads. You can purchase new copper mesh from Classic & Exotic if needed.
Posted on: 2012/4/18 8:16
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
John lawrence has done alot of work on this subject. I used a purolator a30057 in my 47 Packard worked great. Check Fram web site for cross ref.
Posted on: 2012/4/18 8:42
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
O_D is correct in that the oil bath type air cleaners are most efficient at filtering air.
I changed to a modern pleated paper type filter element for convenience. One of the jobs I least like to do is clean an oil bath air cleaner. It takes a large container to hold the solvent and to immerse the filter. I have the oil bath filter units stored in a plastic bags so that they can be cleaned and reinstalled, should I change my mind or for the next owners. The fitting of a paper filter elements involves no permanent changes. I have not noticed any change in noise levels, nor can I detect any performance or mileage increases. They were changed for convenience. The changes are not visible in the '47 and '55 cars. (o[]o)
Posted on: 2012/4/18 11:22
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Home away from home
Maybe I missed it, but the oil bath is more efficient than a paper filter. Is the oil mess more efficient as well?
Posted on: 2012/4/18 13:44
Re: fram paper filter for the 53 intake
Forum Ambassador
Oiled mesh, even if well-maintained, is almost certainly less efficient that paper. One of the reasons an oil bath that makes is so efficient is that the air flow must make several severe changes in direction and the heavier dirt particles are unable to do so and end up in the oil basket. Then above that you've got the oiled vegetable fiber (typically from the kapok tree) to catch any remaining particles.
Posted on: 2012/4/18 14:10