Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Yes, I have posted photos on the Packard Club web site in the past, but yes, I saved original Packard license plate frames from my cars over the years. Earle C. Anthony L.A. and Beverly Hills; Frost & French L.A.; Packard LaBrea, L.A.; some frames from Detroit (don't recall the dealer's name) and elsewere. By the way, I know these terms have somehow gotten mooshed together over the years, but growing up in Michigan, a license "plate" was a full pressed metal panel displayed on your vehicle with numbers, letters or both. A "tag" was a tag... a little piece of metal that screwed on over the edge corner of a license plate to change the year, but not the whole plate. Today the terms seem to be used interchangeably, but they originally meant different things. Anyway, yes, I have a small collection of license plate frames saved over the years from my Packards and others. Also, by the way, Earle C. Anthony had some of the most interesting accessories over the years. In the postwar era, two of their acessories sometimes found bolted into the vehicle were "Luber-Finer" huge super oil filter and special vacuum-operated cigarette ash tray (it sucked ashes off of a cigarette and blew them into a bottle mounted either in the engine compartment or in the trunk).
Posted on: 2016/11/22 22:43
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
I had one for my Packard from Ed Roth & Son our local Packard dealer in Glassboro NJ. It was a complete frame type.
He also sold MG and I put the frame on my MGB-GT and like a dummy, I left it on the car when I sold it to a fellow in Newport RI. Been looking for another for years.
Posted on: 2016/11/22 23:35
"I have a great memory for forgetting things"
Lee Chan |
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
I am sure that it's a typo, but the Oakland, CA (Lakeshore Drive) listing for Earle C. Anthony has dropped the final e in his given name. The Southern CA ECA dealerships are spelled with the two e's.
Long ago, in my days as a Volvo dealership mechanic we definitely saw a pecking order in the dealerships in our metro area. If we saw our dealers name on the license plate frame, we assumed two things: first, they paid a bit more for the car from us, and secondly, they were used to getting better service. We called it White Glove Treatment. My Esquire's previous owner/caretaker had a grandfather who worked at Packard Washington (D.C.) as a tool and die maker in the 1920-30s. He would tell stories about the Secret Service sending two agents with each car coming in for service and never letting it out of their sight. Packard owners were routinely treated to a car wash, no matter the weather outside and the gas tanks were topped off at no charge to the service customer. There was an in-house laundry and no Packard was entered by someone in a previously soiled uniform. I'm not sure if this applied to all Packards, but certainly it did to the Seniors and all of the White House cars.
Posted on: 2016/11/23 19:56
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Thought I would post these pictures here.
Posted on: 2017/10/9 18:25
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Let the ride decide, the logo from Tom McClallan, Shreveport, indicates to a Packard dealer who isn't mentioned at the Dealer List.
Posted on: 2017/10/9 23:19
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Here is a photo of a license plate topper I bought at the Texas Packard Meet a few years ago. The seller had several of these toppers. Have a nice day. JWL
Attach file: (36.09 KB)
Posted on: 2017/10/10 13:07
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
1951 Packard 200....The Kiker's Packard "advertisement" is fixed to the trunk lid LL side.
Posted on: 2017/10/10 16:59
Old cars are my passion 1951 Packard 200 1953 Packard Clipper Custom Touring Sedan 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Tri-tone 1966 Rambler Classic 770 Convertible |
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Here is another one. ... d8a56fa2:g:BXwAAOSwtxpZ4ffv&vxp=mtr Attach file: (30.35 KB)
Posted on: 2017/10/14 17:17
Re: Packard Dealer Tags/Frames?
Home away from home
Attach file: (43.52 KB)
Posted on: 2017/10/21 11:46