Thanks for the reply and if 'going back there' causes you angst, then by all means, do not. I just wanted to understand the crux of the story and couldn't with what was available to me on the site here. No worries. I am a relative newcomer to the antique/collector car world and am fully cognizant that there would be lots of 'back-history' and yes, some infighting too, which seems to go with the territory when any of these clubs or groups exist for any amount of time. It's too bad it has to be that way, but I suppose it is in large part, human nature, and I have not been part of any group that doesn't have it's share. I must say though, that Packard Info seems to have a reasonably tolerant and even-keeled tenor to it and even when tempers flare and words are exchanged, things seem to smooth over and we carry on. Good for us, right?? At the end of the day, the core purpose of what we do and what we're here for, is the restoration, preservation and promotion of the Packard automobile, which, in my opinion, is a worthy and even noble cause. The pedigree and proud heritage of Packard SHOULD live on and be supported and preserved by groups like ours and I'm not sure we all don't sometimes forget how important our part in that endeavor truly is. Again, thanks for taking the time, while on the road, to respond. Best regards, Chris.
Okay. Ask and ye shall receive... and we'll let this be the only posting on this matter. Because you requested it. Better than the pirated B&W photo that was on the other site... this one is in faded color. And please remember, this was the 1970s. The attitude among many who claimed they loved Packards in those days was that postwar Packards were insignificant. Some thought they deserved to be "junk"...and the main cause was bitter fighting between clubs... accompanied by a lot of hostility for various reasons...