Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Forum Ambassador
I'm trying to recall if it was your car that had a photo showing the battery cables which were braided cables stripped of the insulation at the battery end and "crimped" onto one of those cheesy battery top terminals. If that was your car, I had recommended you go to Brillman and buy proper cables or have them made; those connections are marginal at best. With a good starter, good proper cables, good battery and clean connections you surely don't need a second battery in parallel.
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Posted on: 2012/8/29 9:51
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
Not braided, and they are the ones that were on it and that started if fine for the two days that I drove it. The terminal ends are pretty lame tho, it becomes VERY apparent when you get them under the hood next to all of that REAL metal, plus the whole red and black thing really only adds to the Positive ground confusion, so I will be getting some heavy duty REAL metal ones soon. As for having the plastic cut off at the ends where they go in to the cable ends, how would it work any other way?
Posted on: 2012/8/29 11:31
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Forum Ambassador
You should be pleased with the result of new, proper cables. Those cheezy things can rob you of full ignition while cranking.
Posted on: 2012/8/29 11:38
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
I was talking about the cheap cable ends, as far as I know the cables themselves are OE. They are the ones that were on there when I bought it and when it was running last. How do I check them to see if they are the right gauge?
Posted on: 2012/8/29 21:59
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
In all the jerking around to get the engine started, do you suppose the timing chain jumped? Just a thought...
Posted on: 2012/8/31 16:40
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
I 've been having problems starting my 51 Chevy truck, original wiring, etc. The ground ran to the frame then another ground ran from the frame to the engine. So I ran a new ground from the battery staight to the engine and this thing cranks like a dream. I cleaned up all the other connections as well. If Packard did a similar thing maybe you should change too. Just a thought.
Posted on: 2012/9/1 13:38
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
On a 23rd series Packard the ground cable runs from the battery directly to the engine block. Still, it never hurts to keep all the connections clean.
Posted on: 2012/9/1 13:45
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
IF this turd ever runs again it is probably getting sold or traded for another GM, if not I will part it out with a chainsaw.......
Posted on: 2012/9/6 19:59
Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?
Home away from home
Don't blame the Packard for your ignorance. This has been going on for too long. Get educated on basic auto mechanics then come back. We tried, but ...
Posted on: 2012/9/6 21:15
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |