Re: PAC site question
Home away from home
I really don't understand why PAC put their forums in the "members only" section. In the past 3 months there have only been 9 new threads posted and a couple were cross-posted here. I don't think it even takes 3 days for this forum to hit that number.
Put another way, does anyone consider that to have been a good change?
Posted on: 2024/7/11 13:08
1955 400 | Registry | Project Blog
1955 Clipper Deluxe | Registry | Project Blog 1955 Clipper Super Panama | Registry Email (Parts/service inquiries only, please. Post all questions on the forum.) |
Re: PAC site question
Forum Ambassador
HPH, An excellent question and one that puzzled me when I first ran into it. After reading their Newsletter notice you posted here I reluctantly agreed with the reasoning for the other categories they limited but not the forum. Seems to me like they would want to have an information outlet wide open but apparently not. Maybe it has something to do with spam posts which had gotten somewhat prevalent there.
After the initial limit to the forum something happened and it was open again for a couple of weeks or so. Whether that was an accident, a trial run, or something else is unknown but it was locked down tight again and has stayed that way since. It is a shame that some people will not get a timely answer or maybe any at all as you are correct in that the traffic there has been very low for some time. Many do not know about packardinfo to ask questions here either. AACA used to be the go to forum for Packards but I think it was some actions by a heavy moderator that drove people away from there so it also is barely alive. Kev stepped in to start this forum so we can thank him for packardinfo being open and so popular. Between a former moderator at the PAC forum and the lockdown I fear the same has or will happen to that forum. Whether people are going to a facebook place I suppose that is a possibility but I am not now or ever will be a member of facebook and I expect there are many others who feel the same way.
Posted on: 2024/7/11 13:51
Re: PAC site question
Home away from home
I felt the same way about Facebook for many years before I realized that the groups are private so one can "lurk" there safely.
Posted on: 2024/7/11 14:01
Re: PAC site question
Home away from home
I didn't realize my pac membership lapsed till I wanted to visit the pac website. I was looking there every now and then for vehicles and parts but that's all blocked. This is a very good way to keep potential packard enthusiasts away.
I got ran off a few years ago from the AACA forum by a politically motivated moderator. Glad there's PI which is not biased at all.
Posted on: 2024/7/12 14:31
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |
Re: PAC site question
Home away from home
Biased against clowns and soapboxers 🤡
Posted on: 2024/7/12 16:28
1955 400 | Registry | Project Blog
1955 Clipper Deluxe | Registry | Project Blog 1955 Clipper Super Panama | Registry Email (Parts/service inquiries only, please. Post all questions on the forum.) |
Re: PAC site question
Home away from home
I can say that when I first took possession of my dad’s car, the first place I went was the PAC site and the forums there. That was VERY helpful for me just learning about Packards and my car. It was, actually in the PAC forums where I first found a reference to Packardinfo.
I completely understand the need to keep scammers etc…out, but there is a price for that. People new to Packard can’t see valuable information and may not be ready to pay for a membership yet. All in, I’m a bit torn as I really don’t know what all is involved with keeping scammers at bay. I would guess that Kevin puts a bit a time into that for this site.
Posted on: 2024/7/12 22:58
Re: PAC site question
Just a little....
Posted on: 2024/7/13 6:57
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |