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Re: cars & animals
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Mrs. Amanda Burton
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Wow this is great! This is one of the funniest forums I've ever read. I totally second the notion of a book.
I've never had an experience quite like possums or whatever that dead thing is on the first page both of which would have given me a heart attack. But I do have a story that that involves my animals and my Buick. Keep in mind it was entirely my fault on all counts.
I once had to pick up mice for my husband to feed the pet snake and not thinking it through I set the bag- with the box in it- on the floor of the passenger side in my car. Then I ran a quick errand and while I was in the store they were busy chewing. I didn't think about it so when I got home and grabbed the bag I saw one mouse inside it and realized very quickly that the other was missing. Instantly I panicked-it could only be one place. So freaked out over this little white feeder mouse, I came to the very logical conclusion of sending my dog in after it. I put my very cute and sweet dog in the car and I saw a whole new side of her. She barreled from one seat to the next, under the seats, all over the place barking and growling like a demon had taken her over. She finally caught the little bugger and when I opened the door she was incredibly proud of her trophy. Now I was even more grossed out that it was dead-I was not touching it- so I ushered her to the yard with it still in her mouth and to this day I don't know what she did with it. I have never again been asked to pick up mice-Thank God!

My car endured no damage other than a few hard mouse fecies.

Posted on: 2010/4/11 19:32
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Re: cars & animals
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

Dave Kenney
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Guscha wrote:
Dave, how could you unprotected stand close beside the cage? I would have the jitters. I say! I would be scared sh!tless.

Gerd, I have had some very hair raising experiences (when I had hair to raise) with black bears but most like the young 2 year old in the photo are no threat after a bouncing ride for 140km in a steel trap. Their only thought must be "GET ME OUTTA HERE!" when the door swing open.
Also you can't see the 10MM (.40Cal.) 14 shot German made Heckler and Koch on my right hip.
alburton, That's a very funny story about the mouse loose in the car!

Posted on: 2010/4/11 22:57
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Re: cars & animals
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Mrs. Amanda Burton
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I'm not too familiar with guns but did you say it holds 14- 40 cal. rounds in it? I'm thinking that the bear didn't give you any problems because he saw that thing on you. That's what he was trying to get away from. He was probably happy to get the cage instead. If I were a bear looking at a man with a gun I'd want to get away too.

Posted on: 2010/4/12 6:40
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Re: cars & animals
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

Dave Kenney
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Gerd, Thanks! To bad you didn't post these sooner as my 2 year old grandson was over for a sleep over but left about 2 hours ago. He is really a car crazy little kid. The next time he comes over i will be sure to show these to him. Thanks for posting.

Posted on: 2010/8/14 15:48
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Re: cars & animals
Home away from home
Home away from home

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In the olden times when wishing still helped there were managers of Packard Export Corporation on the scout in the African wilderness as soldiers of commerce.

source: Nevada State Journal; Dec 22, 1935

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Posted on: 2018/2/11 11:44
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: cars & animals
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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48-50 Packards have one of their sobriquets as "pregnant elephant", meaning there are elephants on the roads in many parts of the world not just in the wilds of Africa!

Being in the process of buying one of these pachyderms, as the mahout of one of these magnificent beasts machines I'll be joining what is a thin but nevertheless still vigorous herd in the near future.

Posted on: 2018/2/11 13:53

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

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