Re: Upholstery fabric
Forum Ambassador
Can offer my impressions but only for the solid color wool broadcloth.
There are different weights and textures in the fabric so it might be hard to qualify as to comparable quality because of the different mills and fibers. On the samples I received, the color was very close but there was a considerable difference in finish or texture between SMS, LeBaron-Bonney and Hirsch. The cloth from Hirsch seems to be a much smoother weave or maybe the thread is what is smoother than what was available from the others -- even in the lighter weight fabric. If that texture is an important consideration and you want the smoothest then IMO, there is only one choice. Prices between the vendors were comparable for what they were calling the same weight but to me the heaviest LeBaron fabric seemed a little thinner and a lighter product overall. When I bought my "heavy weight" cloth, I would have preferred Hirsch's for the texture reason alone but he didn't have enough of the one I wanted to fill the order and didn't know when he would be getting more. At the time I didn't think I could wait for an unknown length of time and didn't want a different batch so wound up buying from SMS instead. You might make sure of vendor stock before deciding on one fabric. The SMS fabric is thick and upholsterer says it is good quality and easy to work with but it is a bit rougher surface feel than I would have liked. One nice and unexpected thing about buying from SMS was there was a price break because of the quantity I ordered. Not sure Hirsch does that so maybe a consideration.
Posted on: 2015/4/27 19:54
Re: Upholstery fabric
Home away from home
You might try local fabric shops-on the door panels on my 49 I was able to find a fabric very close to the orginal at a local fabric shop.
Posted on: 2015/4/28 8:06
Re: Upholstery fabric
Just can't stay away
If you live anywhere near Chicago there is a fabric store at 2121 W 21 St. which sells odd lots of fabric. I did my 51 300 for about $100.00. It's 30,000 sq. ft on three floors and you have to go through the bins on your own and drag it downstairs. Beutiful 52" wide grey broadcloth for the seats 7.00 sq. yd. headliner beautiful ratsfur velur-
whole bolt 5 yrds, 8.00( not a yard, for the whole bolt. and they have leather at very reasonable prices. Not a nice naborhood, not open on Saturday ( sabath). Wonderful find
Posted on: 2015/7/17 22:59