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Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
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Downunder it's the first day of Autumn so I mounted one of my hobby horses, the Owner Registry, and found it a little light on for content. A couple of weeks ago there were 123 Packards registered, today there are 129. A steady improvement it would seem until you look at the number of registered users(members) on Packardinfo.com which today stands at 587.

A number of members who have registered their Packards have multiple vehicle entries in the Registry, and after a quick check I calculate that reduces the number of members who have their cars in the Registry to about 100. Allowing for inactive members which I'll estimate as about half of all members(297) then making an allowance for those who don't YET own a Packard(say 40) that leaves about 150 who haven't registered their Packard/s!

Total Members = 587
In Owner Registry -100
Inactive members -297
Non owners -40
Owners still to Register = 150

So - don't delay add your Packards to the Owner Registry now!

When adding your Packard to the Registry could you please include a picture and it's history, if known?

Posted on: 2008/2/29 23:45

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Home away from home
Home away from home

Thomas Wilcox
See User information
Good call Mal. The registry is a great idea, and I second Mal's call for greater participation!

From personal experience I know you can change your entry after it is posted (updating and so forth). So, for example, if the car just isn't as pretty as you would like it, go ahead and post in the owner's registry and then update the photo as things progress.

Or, if you haven't got a photo, put one in later when you do (hint hint to those who don't have photos).



Posted on: 2008/3/1 10:57
Thomas Wilcox
34 Roadster, [url=https://packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/r
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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I just took a peek at the Registry and saw that it is up to 132 entries, but we also now have a 1922 (1st Series) model as the oldest Packard.

There was a long time when it looked like the '31 Coupe that Tom (Packin31) submitted was the oldest we would have, but just when you think things have levelled off, the list starts growing again.

Mal, you have clearly been the de facto Ambassador to the Registry, here.

Not sure if we'll get every Packard out there registered, but I think that we will eventually have every model represented - provided they are still out there in the hands of caring owners.

Keep up the good work!

Posted on: 2008/3/9 11:12
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!

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It's nice to see it growing a little every time I look! I am glad more and more folks are taking the time to share a little bit about their Packards with the rest of us via the Registry.

Posted on: 2008/3/9 19:28

1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog

1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Ozstatman wrote:
G'day,......today there are 129. A steady improvement it would seem until you look at the number of registered users(members) on Packardinfo.com which today stands at 587.

It's been a month since the above post and today the number of Packards in the Owner Registry stands at 139, an increase of 10. While the number of Forum Members stands at 628, an increase of 41. I'd like to extend a big
to all those who added their Packard/s to the Owner Registry.

I don't know if it was my very lax statistical analysis or if it was just my enthusiastic Packard expectations which were awry but I expected more than the 10 we gained. There must be more members out there who haven't added their Packards. Yet!

So again - don't delay, add your Packards to the Owner Registry now!

When adding your Packard to the Registry could you please include a picture and it's history, if known?

Posted on: 2008/3/29 1:17

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Mal -

When looking at the numbers, keep in mind that the Owner Registry was not in place when this site first opened its doors. When that feature made its debut, several months later, I believe there was close to two hundred members already on board. Yet, just prior to that debut, it was the reopening of the Forum that began to bring members out from under the woodwork. Some of us then went back and added our car(s) to the Registry to help get the ball rolling with that.

Since then, you have done a great job carrying the torch on this quest!

Meanwhile, is there anything more that BigKev could add to the registration process to invite new members to register their cars? Could he flag their profile such that if they don't have even one car entered in the registry after 90 days, a message appears when they sign-in, as a reminder? Lest that become an annoyance, such message would need the ubiquitous "Remind me later" or "Don't remind me again" check box so members don't feel hounded.

Mind you, I'm just brainstorming, here.

Posted on: 2008/3/30 19:44
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Am not sure if the nag screen is a good idea but 100% on having an opt out if there is one. Some people for whatever reason maybe aren't ready or just don't want to advertise or add themselves to lists. I'd encourage them to visit, participate in forums with their opinions, questions or expertise and maybe possibly someday donate material than get PO'd and leave.

Posted on: 2008/3/30 20:26
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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A milestone up with 150 member's Packards now in the Owner Registry, while the number of Forum members has reached 657.

yet to add their Packard Don't delay, add your Packards to the Owner Registry now!

When adding your Packard to the Registry could you please include a picture and it's history, if known?

Posted on: 2008/4/11 14:34

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

See User information

Ozstatman wrote:
A milestone up with 150 member's Packards now in the Owner Registry, while the number of Forum members has reached 657.

yet to add their Packard Don't delay, add your Packards to the Owner Registry now!

When adding your Packard to the Registry could you please include a picture and it's history, if known?

Now 156 Packard's in the Owner Registry and 689 Forum Members.

to those who added in their Packards.


Posted on: 2008/4/30 18:56

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Owner Registry - Time to get on board!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

See User information
More milestones, 160 Packards in the Owner Registry and past 700 with 703 members.

Don't delay, add your Packards to the Owner Registry now!

Posted on: 2008/5/8 4:03

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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