Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Forum Ambassador
To those of us who believe in keeping a Packard a Packard, I'd hate to see another nice Packard bastardized. Why not just get the Twin Ultramatic rebuilt? Properly done it should last as many miles as most of would put on our Packards in a lifetime. Parts are not a problem and there are folks around who can do a superb job.
Posted on: 2013/2/11 18:33
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
Pat green,
Ask around, before you make the change, ... 1281&post_id=117353#forumpost117353
Posted on: 2013/2/11 20:28
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
We aren't there yet....
If I have mine rebuilt....I'm in the Chicago area and know no one who seems fully qualified to do this. Cost to rebuild seems to be about $3500 (at either coast) plus removal and installation. It also means one person to R&R and another to do the rebuild, which complicates things if there are problems. The R400 replacement is local; total cost is about $3500. Having the R400 also gives me overdrive for easy cruising. 70mph at roughly 2400 RPM vs. 3000 which may give slightly better mileage but seems like it would be easier on the motor. Worst case scenario is still to save the ultramatic for the next owner. EDIT: Following the link above, I ended up talking to the man in California. Has anyone used him? He claimed to have done many Ultramatics, especially from Canada. He noted that since the Ultramatic Dynamics person had died he was getting business as a result. Is that person deceased? It was a very unusual conversation, though possibly the term "monologue" fits better. FWIW the price is about $3500 and takes 14 days......
Posted on: 2013/2/12 18:39
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Not too shy to talk
To Forum Ambassador Owen,
You'd mentioned: "Parts are not a problem and there are folks around who can do a superb job". Could you list some of those sources for parts and rebuilding?
Posted on: 2013/2/13 8:48
Most Sincerely,
Ralph M Bohm, N5WPG truckmen |
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Forum Ambassador
New Ultramatic parts are widely available. Kanter Auto Parts has rebuild kits and many individual parts, parts are also available from Max Merritt, Patrician Industries, Ultramatic Dynamics, FATSCO (formerly Fisher Automatic Trans Co.), Northwestern Transmission, and more. Others may comment on which rebuilders they've found to be suitable, I'm very pleased with mine which was done by Ross.
Posted on: 2013/2/13 10:17
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
For point of clarification, what's an "R400"?
There is a GM TH400 three speed automatic and a GM TH700R4 four speed automatic, but the designation R400 is not in my lexicon. jack vines
Posted on: 2013/2/13 12:32
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
HI Im in california and am thinking of doing the ultramatic over vs a r 400 ,who is the california guy ,Im looking for someone for my ultramatic as the engine is comming out soon
Posted on: 2013/2/13 13:40
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
Pat, be careful which gods of Ultrauma you consult. If your D position works OK, then missing H is caused by mispositioning of the shifter motor or slop in the internal trans linkage--both easy fixes and inexpensive unless someone is trying to rape you.
Pete Fitch is the owner of Ultramatic Dynamics in Virginia and I would be shocked to find he had died as we shared an Ultramatic tech session in Williamsburg in September. He was quite hale and hearty then and I?ve no news of his death but have been out of the country since Jan. I sincerely hope rumors of his demise are greatly exagerated. Of course, I would also be happy to do your Ultra if it actually needs it. My price is $2700 unless there is unusual damage, but I must have the car so I can test and adjust. Price includes removal and installation.
Posted on: 2013/2/13 14:19
Re: Soon as the parts arrive we do tappets. Then the trans will....
Home away from home
Peter Fitch of Ultramatic Dynamics was alive and well yesterday when I spoke with him,
Posted on: 2013/2/13 15:32