Lacquer paint
Just popping in
I own a 1934 Packard Series 1100. I am looking for a provider that has black lacquer paint. Any suggestions.
John P #046050P
Posted on: 2021/10/20 15:04
Re: Lacquer paint
Home away from home
Hirsch. Tri city. Are others.
Posted on: 2021/10/20 16:01
Re: Lacquer paint
Home away from home
If you are doing touch up make up test cards as not all blacks are equal.
Posted on: 2021/10/20 18:36
Re: Lacquer paint
Forum Ambassador
Slim chance to find it these days but Rinshed Mason's RM-400 Polishing Black lacquer was an excellent match to the OEM black on my '34 Packard 1100.
Posted on: 2021/10/20 18:45
Re: Lacquer paint
Home away from home
PPG still makes their 9000 series black lacquer. It's needed in the furnature and musical instrument industries. Take a tranquilizer before you get a quote (!) because it isn't cheap any more. FWIW, ppg/Ditzler acrylic lacquer is almost always the right black. Our OEM black is usually a bit brown when you sand it. Sounds funny but after 45 years of painting trust me, it's a "brown" black and what you want. The old DuPont was a deep "blue" black and was always good for teens thru early 20s repairs. Newer materials are a bit grey when worked to a finish against an OEM. If you want the deepest blackest black in the industry go with House of Kolor (HOK) black in any variant. Follow the old instructions and you can't get deeper and blacker than that. It is a urethane, but their basecoat black is also super deep and rich and can be topcoated or even mixed with nearly anything. 1st impression is always how expensive HOK might be. The cost vs others is a shock, at how much less. I haven't bought any in a while so with everything else draining our finances lately (petroleum distillates!) it wouldn't surprise me to hear it went up. Ask, or message me, I can offer some tech support if you need it. Just don't be in a rush, I don't visit regularly but do check in. Good luck...
Posted on: 2021/10/30 12:42