Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
53 Caribbean | Packard0 | 2011/7/15 22:42 | 5 | 3297 | 2011/7/16 10:59 by fred kanter |
still rough idle [1][2] | steve828 | 2011/7/2 13:10 | 15 | 10414 | 2011/7/16 4:28 by steve828 |
fuel and fluids | Tim49 | 2011/7/12 23:55 | 6 | 3674 | 2011/7/15 22:34 by oregonstan |
1947 Clipper Coupe rear wheel covers | EmilSA | 2011/7/15 12:54 | 4 | 3627 | 2011/7/15 19:29 by Rusty O\'Toole |
Smoking from Lifter Cover '51 300 [1][2] | oregonstan | 2011/7/5 1:32 | 11 | 5624 | 2011/7/15 13:34 by oregonstan |
fog light switch | jsa03781 | 2011/7/12 9:00 | 4 | 2783 | 2011/7/12 10:39 by jsa03781 |
53 Conv. lower control arm bushing | Andre Trudel | 2011/7/11 13:20 | 1 | 1992 | 2011/7/11 17:54 by Ozstatman |
Need Gas Tank | Jeremy B | 2011/6/23 16:04 | 3 | 2224 | 2011/7/11 13:02 by Andre Trudel |
2 Packards for sale, Craig's List, Portland Or. | Steve | 2011/7/10 17:54 | 2 | 3427 | 2011/7/10 20:33 by HH56 |
My 1952 Packard #2562 [1][2] | Tim49 | 2011/7/7 15:48 | 11 | 7149 | 2011/7/10 2:15 by Ozstatman |
identification [1][2] | trodney | 2011/7/8 13:05 | 11 | 5650 | 2011/7/8 21:42 by Let the ride decide |
Is this real | jsa03781 | 2011/7/7 15:10 | 4 | 2971 | 2011/7/8 11:13 by Cli55er |
i have been bit by the Packard bug.... | Tim49 | 2011/6/28 21:51 | 9 | 5630 | 2011/7/7 4:01 by Tim49 |
universal joint | Danny Petty | 2011/7/6 21:12 | 0 | 1754 | 2011/7/6 21:12 by Danny Petty |
1952 Henney hearse glass question. | jack klat | 2011/7/3 1:15 | 7 | 6577 | 2011/7/6 17:21 by Ozstatman |
50 transmission cross member | Tommy Hahn | 2011/7/5 16:54 | 4 | 3071 | 2011/7/6 16:44 by Tommy Hahn |
Carbuartor Rebuild [1][2][3] | Sam Sargent | 2011/6/28 21:54 | 20 | 9860 | 2011/7/5 21:57 by Rusty O\'Toole |
Clutch Anti-Chatter Rod Bushings | JWL | 2011/6/28 11:33 | 6 | 4258 | 2011/7/5 11:35 by BigKev |
louvres on a 52 200 [1][2] | Tim49 | 2011/7/2 16:09 | 18 | 9114 | 2011/7/4 13:15 by flackmaster |
Considering [1][2][3] | 19482255 | 2011/6/26 0:46 | 23 | 10153 | 2011/7/1 13:10 by BigKev |
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