1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
A good friend is just finishing the restoration of this very rare two-door touring sedan (I don't think I've ever seen another, except for the one in the Packard museum's bone yard).
He has a left-over chassis/engine compartment part, and I couldn't help him identify it. Anyone have any ideas? Also, being a six-cylinder, I also couldn't help him with this question: Was the 1941 Six equipped with the oil fill breather tube? This is the tube that runs horizontally on a bracket attached to the cylinder head, forcing air into the opening on the oil fill cap. In the photos we could find in the shop manual, it appears that the Six may not have been so equipped.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 8:32
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4307&forum=10 aaca.org/ |
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
I'm pretty sure the tube that forced air into the oil filler cap was unique to the 356.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 10:13
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Forum Ambassador
I think the answer to the filler/breather question might be found in SL Vol. 15, No. 3. Though the subject and title is "Sticky Valves", the corrective action, for 19th Series models, involves a change in oil filler (tube) and cap design, but the Su8 required an additional part - an "Air Duct Assembly".
This subject was later revisited under the title of "Motor Oil Filler Pipe" in SL Vol. 16, No. 7, with reference back to SL Vol. 15, No. 3. (as the Feb. 1, 1941 issue). Know that each of these topics are noted as such in the 1937-42 installment of this site's Service Index.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 10:53
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
Thanks for the replies.
In regards to the part i.d., I guess I should modify the question to... Does anyone have any idea exactly where this shield goes, and possibly post a photo as to how it attaches? Thanks.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 11:24
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4307&forum=10 aaca.org/ |
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
I'm pretty sure the tube that forced air into the oil filler cap was unique to the 356. Yes (and no). 1) Yes, and only to a part of them (pictures attached). I received the pics months ago from Howard (HH56). 2) No, the 366 cui made in CCCP was also equipped with the air draft tube. Attach file: (44.23 KB) (17.55 KB) (20.60 KB) (20.23 KB) (3.13 KB) (39.73 KB)
Posted on: 2011/12/19 14:36
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Forum Ambassador
I think the tube was on the 356 but the varying oil filler heights and caps were across the line. Not sure why there was so much problem with the sticking valves in the 356 other than it was a bit different from other engines so maybe not as efficient in internal air flow. I believe the curved side of those oil filter cans also acted like an airfoil and actually created a suction and turbulence effect on some engines which prevented designed flow.
EDIT: Wow, when CCCP copied, they did a fantastic job. 10 more CID but sure would take two looks to tell the difference at a distance if sitting side by side. The only obvious one I see at a distance is the starter motor solenoid difference.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 14:42
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
...I believe the curved side of those oil filter cans also acted like an airfoil and actually created a suction and turbulence effect on some engines which prevented designed flow... Howard, turbulences yes but to create a suction the filter profile should have become narrower (like a wing profile). West, sorry for the diversion. The central point is: Quote: ...Does anyone have any idea exactly where this shield goes, and possibly post a photo as to how it attaches?...
Posted on: 2011/12/19 15:24
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
No problem. All very interesting. Current thinking is that this part must have belonged to another car being restored, or, for one reason or another was in the trunk of the car when it was torn apart and got mixed up in parts being painted.
Posted on: 2011/12/19 16:25
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4307&forum=10 aaca.org/ |
Re: 1941 Deluxe two-door touring sedan
Home away from home
Howard, Not so different...
Posted on: 2011/12/20 8:28