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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
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Eugene Wescott
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Not sure if I can help, but the left front one on my '30 broke away from the copper tube that comes from the pump. It was plugged so I soaked it for a while in Parts/Brake cleaner fluid to loosen the blockage. I then soaked it in denatured alcohol and used a fine wire on both ends to loosen the dirt and an air hose which freed up the blockage.


Posted on: 2009/1/15 7:52
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Home away from home
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Thomas Wilcox
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That is pretty much what I did to clean up my fittings. I just talked to Bruce Blevins, and he said the following test will tell you if the unit is still operating correctly:

1) Find a source of 5 psi air.
2) Connect tube from air source to narrow extension from fitting (the end that goes into the oil supply line).
3) Submerge the larger end (where oil should come out to lubricate the chassis component) of the fitting in water.
4) Turn on air and observe.

If the metering unit is working properly, you should get a little bubble of air coming from the large end of the fitting every second or so: bubble ...... bubble ..... etc.

Anything else, and the unit should be replaced. Bruce does have new metering units.

I thought this was a good piece of information, and one I have not seen posted elsewhere.



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Posted on: 2009/1/15 12:03
Thomas Wilcox
34 Roadster, [url=https://packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/r
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I plan to service my 32 automatic bijur system this month. I've already had the pump serviced. If I do have all of the metering plugs on the car, is there any reason I should look at buying the repos from you? Can these plugs get hopelessly plugged up and it just makes sense to buy repos?


Posted on: 2009/2/1 14:33
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Forum Ambassador
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As long as you use clean oil in the jar, and the filter in the bottom of the pump itself is cleaned once in a while, the drip plugs should remain OK.

Bruce's method is widely used; you may also want to know how to test the vacuum pump itself on the automatic Bijur; I believe there are several methods covered in the official Bijur manual on this website, but an easy way is to disconnect the oil outlet at the jar, and disconnect the vacuum line at the pump diaphram. Then with the engine idling, repeatedly hold and remove the vacuum line from it's connection perhaps 20 times. If the pump is working you'll see oil coming from the oil outlet.

Posted on: 2009/2/1 14:48
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
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tbirdman wrote:.......I plan to service my 32 automatic bijur system this month......

G'day Ken,

Just realised I haven't asked you yet to add your lovely '32 to the Owner Registry here, together with a pic, any known history and how you acquired it. But afraid I'll have to pass on the brass Cadillac for obvious reasons.

EDIT - Only one '32 in the Registry at present, need to build the numbers!

Posted on: 2009/2/1 15:09

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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for adding the '32 to the Registry, just boosted the '32 year by 100%! Like the period golf clubs, do you play?

Posted on: 2009/2/2 15:42

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

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Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I used to play a lot more but now maybe 4 times a year. Was on my high school golf team many years ago for one year. Now I play business golf. Good enough not to be embaressed or hold up the foursome. Funny thing is people do get a kick out of those golf clubs and I can't tell you how many times I get asked what is that little door for?

I know my golf clubs spur own a fellow club member to search for a golf bag and clubs. I gave him a few extra clubs I had acquired. The irons are a match set with copper color heads.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 2:14
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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I used to play, took it up in my late 20's and was very passionate about the game. At one time lived in a street that dead-ended onto a golf course, joined the club and used to play 9 holes before work 3 or 4 times a week, year round. Because I rushed it never improved much but the day I played 9 holes 3 over par was my golfing highlight many years ago! But lost interest, didn't play for 15 years until my son-in-law's "buck's night" which included a game of golf as part of the festivities. Discovered then I'm too old, too inflexible and too tired, but it sure was enjoyable while it lasted. Actually have a few wooden shafted clubs, and no I'm not THAT old.

Posted on: 2009/2/7 3:33

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

What's this?
Put your Packard in the Packard Vehicle Registry!
Here's how!
Any questions - PM or email me at ozstatman@gmail.com
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Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Ronald E. Williams
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Sun Source may have these units since they bought up a lot of Bijur fittings. I recently bought metering units from them for my 35. Their web site is www.sunsrce.com, and their phone number is 888-786-7723.

Ron Williams

Posted on: 2009/2/24 23:45
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