Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Forum Ambassador
If you have the R9 OD I would temporarily disconnect the ground out wire either from the coil or from terminal 2 of the OD relay and see if the problem is still present. The relay or solenoid contact could be hanging.
Posted on: 2012/11/14 20:34
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Home away from home
thanks will try and let you know.
Posted on: 2012/11/14 21:35
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Home away from home
Kev, move this to prewar section for better exposure?
Posted on: 2012/11/14 23:11
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Home away from home
Yes, that ground out connection from the relay contact to the distributor is designed to kill the ignition momentarily, but the contact can hang up and, in my case, stick so I didn't get any ignition at all (until this was pointed out).
Another cause might be malfunction or adjustment of the Throttle Guard (dash pot) on the carburetor, if a 110 has one. Mine is a Super 8 Stromberg AAV-26 which should have one but doesn't (haven't been able to find one). But I don't have the problem you're describing. The throttle guard prevents the car from dying due to lack of fuel when the OD drops to free-wheeling (I think). So perhaps the carburetor idle adjustment needs to be upped to compensate. I someone has a Throttle Guard for sale, I'd be interested.
Posted on: 2012/11/15 8:02
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Forum Ambassador
I'm afraid I can't be of much help, technically, but wanted to commend you on your wonderful compostion of the ODdashpotweb.jpg image, above. It's another example of how a picture is worth a thousand words.
Posted on: 2012/11/15 10:37
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Home away from home
I would also consider the condition of the governor switch. The design of the switch has an intentional difference in the engagement vs. disengagement speeds. I am wondering if your governor swtich is keeping the car in OD to a severly low speed. Can you tell, when decelerating, the moment and speed at which the OD disengages? This can usually be detected by the solenoid click and if on an downward incline, you can feel the car begin to freewheel.
As a means to test this possible root cause, take the car for a drive, allow overdrive to engage. Then when decelerating to a stop, gently pull the OD cable out just enough to open the contacts of the cable lockout switch. This will open the circtuit causing, OD to disengage. If you come happily to the stop without stall, I would suspect the governor switch. If you do, I would then consider replacing the cap switch or at least opening the switch up and cleaning the governor weight mechanism. I hope this helps.
Posted on: 2012/11/15 12:41
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Home away from home
This discussion thread needs to be in the prewar section.
Posted on: 2012/11/19 22:14
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Forum Ambassador
The mystical throttle guard is indeed an unusual beast. In later years, I believe they were called dash pots. Regardless, the throttle guard bracket differs between years and engines, though the throttle guard is the same. I have reproduced the brackets for the 120 and 356 engines, as shown. $25 each plus a few bucks for shipping. Sorry, John, I have not repro'd the 1800 bracket.
Posted on: 2012/11/22 23:35
Re: motor dies when using overdrive.
Not too shy to talk
The service bulletins discuss this and talk about cleaning and adjusting the points on the 6-pole relay. Also, after 1941 they no longer used the throttle guard and is not listed in the parts books.
Posted on: 2012/11/25 13:07