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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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relax - folks - unless I missed something, he is apparently not, before starting his trip, going to replace ALL the fuel lines (both rubber and steel all the way from the gas tank to the carb) and is not planning on removing the gas tank for a professional cleaning by a radiator shop.

So there you are - bet you dollars to donuts he wont get far enough to find out why he should have also replaced every rubber part in the brake system, from the "cups" in the wheel cylinders, rubber hydraulic lines, re-rubbered the master cylinder.

So everyone just relax.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 20:42
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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G'day NeedsRestoration,
to PackardInfo, and I invite you to include your Packard/s in the Packard Owner's Registry.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 14:56

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Home away from home
Home away from home

Marty or Marston
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Go to a Napa dealer and get a group 19L ( I believe) 6 volt battery.

Personally I would ship it or as also suggested use a truck and rent a U Haul trailer and drive it back that way.

A lot has already be said on the subject and I don't want to go over them again except just one. THOROUGHLY INSPECT the brake system and at a minimum replace all the rubber goods in it, rebuild all 4 wheel cylinders and the master cylinder.

If you drive it back, be safe and don't plan on rushing back, don't stress out but have fun.

P.S. Take plenty of cash. and if your grandmother is still with us, give her a hug from all your Packard Friends and maybe an Aunt or Uncle if there any up there in Oregon.

Posted on: 2017/12/10 3:28
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The one big thing going for you is (I feel) that Packards are the most reliable classic motor cars ever built. But for that reliability you have to change all the rubber in your brake system, in other words totally rebuild it and the fuel hoses also. Good luck on your journey!

Another thing - I use Optima batteries in my 1954 Caribbean and Pacific and never had a problem in the 20 + years I had them and now there's a pair of Optimas in my 1939 Super 8.

Posted on: 2017/12/10 16:04
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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[quote] DrMorbius wrote:

. . . Packards are the most reliable classic motor cars ever built. quote]

May I respectfully but forcefully disagree with your above statement ?

I believe it can be proven that ALL Packards are reliable, certainly amongst the most reliable ever built, NOT JUST THE CLASSIC PACKARDS.

Yes, you can argue that because the CLASSIC Packards had two ignition coils, two fan belts whereas the ordinary less-expesive Packards had only one, maybe if you were discussing really badly maintained cars...the classic Packards might keep running for a while under some circumstances that the non-classic Packards could not.

I don't "buy" that argument. Just because some folks let their cars go to the dogs, is no reflection on the reliability built into the car.

Be assured if you let a classic Packard go to the dogs, it will eventually not be reliable!

The simple fact is, Packard did not make most, if not all of the key parts of a car that make a car reliable.

Brake equiptment, bearngs of all sizes & shapes, hydraulic, gasoline and radiator hoses, distributors, fan belts, ignition coils, starter motors, generators, wiring, dash instruments - electrical controls - the list goes on and on.

To suggest that the starter motor or generator or the attached relays of a non-classic Packard, even those excellent little Packard six or eight cylinder cars, are any less reliable than the starter motor or generator of a classic Packard, simply tells us how little you know about what makes ALL Packards such great cars.

Bottom line - given half a chance with decent maintainence, ALL Packards are "amongst the most reliable cars ever built".

Posted on: 2017/12/12 10:44
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Whoa! When I said Classic Packards I didn't mean to single out only twin ignition coil Packards or double belt Packards, I meant all Packards which even the later 1956 Clippers are now considered Classics. Even Richard Langworth in his classic book on Packards said the Packard straight eight engine (in healthy shape) is even more reliable than even the best from Japan. So if I had to go on a road trip with any classic car wether it be a Hudson, Plymouth, Buick, Cadillac or whatever, I would still pick any Packard as I feel reliability is tops - along with getting spares on the trip.

Posted on: 2017/12/12 18:06
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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DrMorbius wrote:
Whoa! When I said Classic Packards I meant all Packards
any classic car whether it be a Hudson, Plymouth, Buick, Cadillac or whatever,


My mistake - you are right and I was wrong!

As you correctly point out, in todays use of language, ALL things are "classic" ! Please forgive me for being so far "behind the times".

I should know better - Wife & I just got back from the grocery store where we picked up (each product's labels were quite clear) amongst other things, some "CLASSIC" macaroni salad", some CLASSIC" shoe laces, Lay's CLASSIC Potato Chips, and Signature's CLASSIC Potato Salad.

Fewer and fewer products and services are NOT called "CLASSIC" - in fact, even dictionaries printed in recent years confirm the modern trend as to how correct you are and how mistaken I was to discuss this.

There WAS a time when the word "classic" was defined as something "unique, of first rank, representing the highest standards of quality and elegance". A design theory in which "form follows function", so that a headlight, a grill, a fender, a running board on a car - each part separate and defined by its function.

I have to "get with the program"

Bottom line - I need to wake up and get with the times.

Posted on: 2017/12/12 20:26
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Ozstatman wrote:

G'day NeedsRestoration...I invite you to include your Packard/s in the Packard Owner's Registry.

Wanna bet that it's a '38 V12 with an Oldsmobile differential that's already included in the registry?

Posted on: 2017/12/13 8:50
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Home away from home
Home away from home

JD in KC
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Hey BH... I think that's a sucker bet.

Posted on: 2017/12/13 11:17
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Re: New member, setting off on a crazy adventure... PICS!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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for KD & BH

Did you put any money on your bets? And if so, for what purpose ? Discuss please ?

If someone will tell me how, I will post photos of my '34 Super Eight 1103 before and after restoration.

Posted on: 2017/12/13 13:14
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