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2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
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Just popping in

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Hi, This is my first post about an overheating problem I have on my 2262-9 288 motor. Here is some upfront info on what has been done so far. I had the engine rebuilt about 2000 miles ago. New pistons, rings, exhaust valves and guides, all seats and intake valves ground. Removed the freeze plugs and cleaned the block inside very well,it has a rebuilt water, new radiator and 160 thermostat and all hose are clean. The carb has been rebuilt, timing set to 6 deg BTDC and valves adjusted to spec after warmup.
If the outside temp is 70deg or higher, the motor temp will rise till the thermostat opens, then it will maintain normal temp for a minute or two then start to climb out of control and get hot. After driving it thru the winter and into the spring, I ended up with low compression in cyl #8. A leak down test said that the exhaust valve was bad. I have pulled the head, cleaned it much better than before inside and used a dremel tool to remove some casting deposits that were restricting some of the coolant openings especially about cyl #8 and 7. I then checked the mating openings in the block and removed some casting deposits in a few of them. I removed the distribution tube again and it is clean and looks OK. I also found the backing plate for the water pump outlet hole for water to go into the distribuion to not be a good fit for the tube. I will be replacing the plate for a better fit. I am also in the process of replacing the exhaust valve in#8. It is not out yet so I don't know the condition of the seat but hoping it is OK and only needs lappiing in with the new valve. I am planning to install a stainless steel exhaust valve in #8, is that a good idea or not? So, some questions; has anyone ever enlagred the holes in the rear of the distribution tube to put more water on the exhaust valve supports in the area of #8? If so by how much and what was the effect on the other cylinders? Also, does the distribution tube fit slightly inside of the water pump backing plate or just sit flush with it? One othe thing, I have an old spring compressor tool to remove the valve, have compressed the spring but can't get the keepers to release and free up the valve. Any hints on how to do that?
That's all for now. I would sure appreciate any helpful information. Thanks, Larry

Posted on: 2010/9/11 15:34
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
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aljcampo wrote:......my 2262-9......
G'day Larry,
to PackardInfo.

Sorry to hear about your overheating woes and sorry I can't offer any advice but I'll leave that to the more knowledgeable and experienced who should be along soon.

And I invite you to please include your '49 Deluxe Eight Touring Sedan in the Packard Owner's Registry here, together with a pic, any known history and how you acquired it?

Posted on: 2010/9/11 15:53

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube

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Have you pulled the distribution tube all the way to make sure it's not clogged? Also check the clearance of the water pump pulley. If it out of spec then the pump will cavitate and will reduce the water flow.

Also when you say new radiator, do you mean a new core? Was it flow tested?

Posted on: 2010/9/12 1:24

1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog

1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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does the gauge peg or does it just go up to half way??
When it "overheats" does it boil over? The water temperature will never stay at the 160 degrees that the thermostat is set to. The thermostat is there so the engine gets up to operating temperature as quickly as possible. It is not there to regulate the temp at the 160 degrees. BTW why didn't you install the thermostat the is called for in the engine documentation. Think it is 180 or 190 degrees.

Again, Only my opinion. Others will disagree.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 11:49
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
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Bob, I guess I disagree a bit. As long as the cooling system has the ability to remove more BTUs than are generated under any condition, the thermostat WILL regulate the temperature at whatever it's rating is, and that's what the system is designed to do.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 11:51
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube

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The thermostat is there to regulate the minimum operating temperature, not the maximum operating temperature.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 13:52

1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog

1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Bob1951 wrote:
... BTW why didn't you install the thermostat the is called for in the engine documentation. Think it is 180 or 190 degrees. Again, Only my opinion. Others will disagree.

Believe the thermostat rating should be 160 or 170 degree type.


Posted on: 2010/9/15 13:58
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
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Eric Boyle
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The thermostat is there to regulate the minimum operating temperature, not the maximum operating temperature.

If more people understood this simple fact of physics the world would be a better place.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 16:14
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Bob, I guess I disagree a bit. As long as the cooling system has the ability to remove more BTUs than are generated under any condition, the thermostat WILL regulate the temperature at whatever it's rating is, and that's what the system is designed to d

Yes Owen however under all conditions except maybe when the outside temperature is very cold say 30 degrees or less the engine will run at temperatures above the stated thermostat temperature.

The thermostat is there to regulate the minimum operating temperature, not the maximum operating temperature.

Kev, I fully agree with you and Eric.

Again, Only my opinion.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 16:53
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Re: 2262-9 288 motor distribution tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I don't usually look at the Packard service bulletins but did look at the following one. It says it all.

STB 52T-28, Dealer 21

Check it out.

Posted on: 2010/9/15 17:19
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